• charlie.nu
    .Online radio.
    DJ-fri musikradio med hitmusik 24/7 non-stop, ingen snak
    mere musik fra mere end 5 årtier, vi spiller de største hits!
  • charlie.nu
    .TV/video on-demand.
    TV efter video on-demand princippet, kan du se din
    favoritprogram, når det passer dig.
  • charlie.nu
    En god podcast kan forføre dig uden
    du er klar over det...
  • charlie.nu
    .Online radio.
    DJ-free music radio with hit music 24/7 non-stop, no talk
    more music from more than 5 decades, we play the biggest hits!
  • charlie.nu
    .TV/video on-demand.
    TV according to the video on-demand principle, you can watch your
    favorite program when it suits you.
  • charlie.nu
    A good podcast can seduce you without
    you realizing it...
  • charlie.nu
    .Online radio.
    DJ-freies Musikradio mit Hitmusik rund um die Uhr, ohne Unterbrechung, ohne Gespräche
    mehr Musik aus über 5 Jahrzehnten, wir spielen die größten Hits!
  • charlie.nu
    .TV/video on-demand.
    Fernsehen nach dem Video-on-Demand-Prinzip können Sie Ihre
    Lieblingsprogramm, wenn es Ihnen passt.
  • charlie.nu
    Ein guter Podcast kann Sie verführen, ohne
    du merkst es...
. Radio Stations .

. upcoming events .
January 1, 00:00, 2025
Grand Opening
Hit Radio Charlie starts on 1 November, where we play hits non-stop from more than 5 decades.
You will be able to hear hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. up to today.
Less talk more music twenty four seven.
. Platinum Partner .
. Gold Partner .

We love Radio, TV and Podcasts, and take great pride in providing a
diverse range of streaming radios, TV and Podcasts.

Copyright @2024 charlie.nu. All rights Revierves.